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Jesus: Son and Savior

Here is the series of catecheses on Jesus by Pope John Paul II. This is the second part of John Paul II’s Catechesis on the Creed. This series follows John Paul II’s Catechesis on God, the Father and precedes his Catechesis on the Holy Spirit. It began on August 27, 1986, and concluded on April 19, 1989, and it includes 97 general audiences.

These audiences formerly were available in book form from Pauline Books & Media, however, the book is now out of print. You might be able to find it on or other such places where used books are available.

The Vatican website had an easy-to-miss, special section which includes 96 of these 97 General Audiences on Jesus (this section has been removed, but still remains accessible through the Internet Archive). These audiences are not available in English on the regular part of Vatican website (under John Paul II’s Audiences).

St. Edward’s Catholic Church has a series of Christology Presentations on their website. This is a series of 33 PowerPoint® presentations on Section 2—Audiences #13 through #45 (including the missing Audience #33). Each presentation is basically the full text of the Audience set with religious art and pictures.